'*                                               *
'*  SHADOW CONTROLS FORM                         *
'*  © by Flavio González Vázquez                 *
'*                                               *
'*  First, configure the following               *
'*  parameters                                   *
'*                                               *
Const FirstLines = 15 'Top shadow roundless      *
Const EndLines = 15   'Bottom shadow roundless   *
Const Measure = 15    'Form measure (p.e. twips) *
Const Desp = 60       'Shadow desp               *
Const Band = 50       'Shadow brightness         *
'*                                               *
'*                                               *
'*  To shadow all controls in a form,            *
'*  call to ShadowControls() method.             *
'*                                               *
'*  To shadow a control in a form                *
'*  call DropShadow() method                     *
'*                                               *
'*  Visit me on the following websites:          *
'*                                               *
'*  www.flavio.6x.to                             *
'*  www.flavionet.6x.to                          *
'*                                               *
'*                                               *
'*                                               *

Sub DropShadow(Control As Object, Formu As Form)
    Dim n
    For n = 0 To 120 Step Measure
        DrawRect Formu, Control.Left + Desp + n / 2, Control.Top + Desp + n / 2, Control.Width - n, Control.Height - n, RGB(256 - (n + Band), 256 - (n + Band), 256 - (n + Band))
End Sub
DrawRect(Control As Form, l, t, w, h, color) Dim x, xx For x = t To t + h Step Measure xx = x - t Select Case xx Case Is < FirstLines Control.Line (l + (FirstLines - xx), xx + t)-(l + w + xx - FirstLines, xx + t), color Case Is > h - EndLines Control.Line (l - h + EndLines + xx, xx + t)-(l + w - (EndLines + xx - h), xx + t), color Case Else Control.Line (l, xx + t)-(l + w, xx + t), color End Select Next End Sub
ShadowControls(Formu As Form) Dim n For n = 0 To Formu.Controls.Count - 1 DropShadow Formu.Controls(n), Formu Next End Sub